Friday, April 27, 2012

Pioneer Women in Training!

A few weeks ago, us Southern Girls got the opportunity to meet THE Pioneer Woman!  She came to Birmingham, AL for a book signing and we got to go!  We were beyond excited to meet one of our inspirations and to get our cookbooks signed!

We were number 222, but thankfully, some wonderful ladies had some extra numbers so we got bumped up to number 76, hallelujah!

It was so neat to get to meet her and truly talk to her!  I mean, Courtney talked for the most part, my introverted, shy, nervous self just stood there smiling and staring, but hey! at least we got to meet her!

We also got to meet Layla and Kevin from The Lettered Cottage, another inspirational blogger, who actually lives close to Birmingham!  It was so wonderful to meet such awesome bloggers!

Maybe one day, we can have a blog as wonderful as theirs!

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

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